The Influence of Extended Internal Market Orientation on Employee Engagement: A Study of Migrant Workers in the Chinese Manufacturing Industry


  • Chen Haolinmin City University Malaysia



Extended internal market orientation, employee engagement, migrant workers, Chinese manufacturing industry


This conceptual paper explores the influence of extended internal market orientation on employee engagement among migrant workers in the Chinese manufacturing industry. Migrant workers play a significant role in the industry, but they often face challenges related to low employee engagement. This paper highlights the importance of addressing this issue for organizational performance and presents the research objective of examining the influence of extended internal market orientation on employee engagement. The study aims to contribute to the literature on internal market orientation and employee engagement by focusing on the unique context of migrant workers in the Chinese manufacturing industry. The practical implications for organizations and potential directions for future research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Haolinmin, C. (2023). The Influence of Extended Internal Market Orientation on Employee Engagement: A Study of Migrant Workers in the Chinese Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Digitainability, Realism & Mastery (DREAM), 2(06), 40–44.