Evaluating Employee Performance through Work Motivation, Work Discipline, and Leadership Style


  • Filomeno Cardosof Institute of Business (IOB), Timor-Leste
  • Pius Bumi Kellen Institute of Business (IOB), Timor-Leste
  • Agusto Da Conceção Soares Institute of Business (IOB), Timor-Leste




work motivation, work discipline, leadership style, employee performance


The aim of this research is to determine and analyse work motivation and discipline work and leadership style influence employee performance in the Municipal office Covalima. This research explains the causal relationship between research variables. According to Sugiyono (2014) causal research method is a research method to find out the influence of one or more independent variables on the dependent variable(dependent variable), in this research to determine the influence of the independent variable, namelywork motivation, work discipline and leadership style on the dependent variable, namely performance employee at the Covalima Municipal office. The results of the research findings work motivation has a positive and significant effect on Employee performance, meaning that with motivation, employees can do something work with enthusiasm. Without motivation, an employee will not get results the maximum for the work he completed. Even when an employee have high knowledge and skills but if you don't have enough motivation then the work he does will not be as expected. Work discipline has an effect positive and significant on employee performance, meaning that there is work discipline then employee performance can increase. Work discipline is a very important attitude required by everyone in an effort to improve performance in order to achieve goals organization. Leadership style has a positive and significant effect on performance employees, meaning that in carrying out their work duties employees will be motivated if they are stylish leadership consisting of directive leadership, supportive leadership, Participative leadership and achievement-oriented leadership are applied accordingly with employee hopes and desires.


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How to Cite

Cardosof, F., Kellen, P. B., & Soares, A. da C. (2023). Evaluating Employee Performance through Work Motivation, Work Discipline, and Leadership Style . Journal of Digitainability, Realism & Mastery (DREAM), 2(12), 196–227. https://doi.org/10.56982/dream.v2i12.176