Transformational Leadership and Employee Performance: Work Motivation as a Mediator


  • Bangracia Pires Institute of Business (IOB), Dili, Timor-Leste
  • Pius Bumi Kellen Institute of Business (IOB), Dili, Timor-Leste
  • Mateus Ximenes Institute of Business (IOB), Dili, Timor-Leste



transformational leadership, employee performance, work motivation mediation


This research aims to determine (1) the effect of transformational leadership on employee performance (2) the effect of transformational leadership on work motivation, (3) the effect of work motivation on employee performance, (4) the effect of transformational leadership through work motivation on employee performance at the Autoridade Proteção Civil (APC), Dili, Timor-Leste. This research uses quantitative data, namely through a questionnaire which is secondary data from a measurement scale, namely a Likert scale which can be analyzed. The population in the study was 150 people, all APC employees at the Dili center level, with sampling using a census sample to obtain 150. The data analysis technique used the Smart-PLS analysis technique. Based on the results of research analysis calculations, it shows that transformational leadership on employee performance with the mediation of work motivation has a positive and significant effect. Because _that is to achieve good performance_ a leader is believed to be able to motivate his employees andable to be a good role model for employees so that behavior can be created that supports the sustainability of the organizationand also a leader can provide motivation, the leader is able to stimulate employees to come up with new ideas, the leader pays special attention to employees, because the leader has the power to influence in certain ways the results of work both in quality and quantity achieved by employees then The performance of the staff provided is getting better


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How to Cite

Pires , B., Kellen, P. B., & Ximenes, M. (2023). Transformational Leadership and Employee Performance: Work Motivation as a Mediator. Journal of Digitainability, Realism & Mastery (DREAM), 2(12), 228–248.