Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, and Financial Inclusion Influencing Financial Performance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, financial inclusion, financial performanceAbstract
This research aims to analyze and explain (1) the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on financial performance (2) the influence of market orientation on financial performance (3) the influence of financial inclusion on financial performance. (The population in this study is 238 all registered businesses in Dili with Determining the sample using the Slovin formula to get 100. Data was analyzed using the Smart-PLS analysis technique. Research findings based on the regression results shows that entrepreneurial orientation, and financial inclusion have a positive result and it is concluded that the first and third hypothesis is accepted, while the second test declared not significant. ‘The results of this study are not in accordance with hypothesized, which means Hypothesis 2 is failed, and it can be concluded that second hypothesis not accepted.
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