Leadership Style, Training, and Motivation as Crucial Factors for Driving Work Performance
leadership style, training, work motivationAbstract
Objective this research for know stylistic influence leadership, training and motivation Work to Employee performance . Object study namely the Eduardo Ximenes Baucau Regional Hospital . The population in this study were some of the employees at the Eduardo Ximenes Baucau Regional Hospital, totaling 66 person. Technique taking sample which used in this research is Sloving technique is a sample determination technique used by some employees at the Eduardo Ximenes Baucau Regional Hospital. Technique analysis data which used in study. This is analysis regression linear multiple. Based on the results of classical assumption tests carried out through normality, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity states that all variables used do not violate the conditions which determined.Meanwhile according to results test appropriateness model, regression used in this research is suitable for use. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it shows that variable style leadership , training and work motivation are influential significant to performance employee.
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