Transformational Leadership Style and Teacher Job Satisfaction in Shanghai, China
transformational leadership, job satisfaction, secondary school, ChinaAbstract
Education has a critical role in supporting the growth of the knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and values that allow individuals to contribute to and benefit from a sustainable and inclusive future. In the coming years, it will be essential to be able to develop clear and purposeful objectives, interact with persons who have multiple points of view, unearth unrealized opportunities, and discover a variety of solutions to difficult problems. Consequently, it is essential that leaders at all levels play a significant role if the nation is to achieve its stated aim. This study highlights the significance of transformational leadership styles among China's secondary school leaders and administrators. This study suggested a methodology for measuring the significance of four leadership dimensions, namely charismatic leadership, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, and inspirational leadership, in relation to the transformational leadership style. In addition, the study investigates the effect of transformational leadership methods on job satisfaction. By analyzing the links between the numerous variables and employing the Style theory, this proposed framework would be able to assess China's secondary education system and its performance. Notably, this framework can be utilized as a comprehensive technique for assessing school system performance and addressing education problems and issues, and it is essential for constructing the blueprint for China's educational pathway.
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